What’s Going On
June 2017
June has much to offer and due to lovely sunny weather all plants are hurrying to show their flowers.
Dazzling flower show
On entering the terrace my eye is immediately catched by the dazzling flower show of the climbing ‘Schneewittchen’. Beautiful is the combination of Geranium ‘Summer Surprise’ with the soft yellow buds of the curry plant (Helichrysum italicum) behind the shrub rose ‘Gruß an Aachen’.

On walking towards the Long Border the warm evening air transports the delicate sophisticated smell of Escallonia ‘Donard Seedling’ s pink bloom.
On my way to the Long Border, my eyes are catching the Turkish sage (Phlomis russeliana). It has whorls of tubular, hooded yellow flowers. It’s bloom forming a nice combination with the perfect bloom of the Mediterranean Spurge (Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii).
I turn right and my eye catches the flowers of the old rose ‘Alain Blanchard’ and it’s definitely my favourite. Its healthy and it is forming a nice shrub. The only drawbacks are the suckering roots and the fact that it flowers only once.
Showy red flowers
On my way to the American Garden I pass two lovely climbing roses: ‘Tradition 95’ and ‘New Dawn’. The last one needs no introduction and is one of the most best selling climbers. Tradition 95 also called ‘Korkeltin’ has stiff, thorny stems with showy red flowers and is raised by Kordes.
Before entering the Tank Garden I see the flowers of the Pink Grootendorst Rose. It has distinctively wrinkled leafs. Before I enter the house I admire the lovely delicate flowers of Bowman’s Root (Gillenia trifoliata). Another frequently used name in the USA is Porteranthus trifoliatus. Both names are equally correct.
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