Bobbie James

Bobby James 17 JUNE, 2016 Garden Roses Shrubs Many roses are named after important people whose names sank into oblivion. Yet the name of this lovely white climber can be easily traced. In short: may I introduce you to Mr. Bobbie James. Rose Book The honourable Robert...


Springtime 17 MAY, 2016 Garden Perennials Shrubs Spring After a long period of cold weather in April, this month started in the second week with bright sunshine and temperatures above 24⁰ C (75⁰F). Hardly any springtime nowadays According to an old lady from over...

What’s going on: May 2016

What’s Going On May 2016 7 MAY, 2016 Garden Landscape Plants Perennials I am walking our dogs and I am greeted by the dazzling yellow rapeseed flowers (Brassica napus) in the fields nearby. The air I am inhaling is loaded with its perfume. A lonely cloud hangs...

Spring Combinations

Spring Combinations 3 APRIL, 2016 Spring Perrenials Shrubs Garden A bright yellow colour is nowadays, to say it diplomatic, not highly appreciated in gardens. However, I would pay a fortune to travel back to the beginning of the sixties to see Dumbarton Oaks....

Old Books

Old Books 28 MARCH, 2016 Books Ferns Garden History History During these rainy cold winter days it is nice to sit back in a chair with a nice cup of tea and a fine book to read. Victorian fern craze On scanning the bookshelves I came across a book on the Victorian...